Join the Clique!
Looking to join? If so, send an email to the webmaster with the following form filled out:
Your name:
Your icon: (size must be 100x100)
Creature(s) from Shelter: (name, number and generation or a picture of it)
Creature's name:
Website link:
Website rating:
Give the webmaster some time to reply! You will get a reply confirming or denying you entry.
- Each webmaster gets to have up to 3 creatures.
- After you're approved, showcase your creature on your site with a link back to Creatures Inside- no hotlinking!
- If you change URLs, delete your website or simply wish to leave the club, let the webmaster know. Changes in URLs or site deletion without a warning will result in your membership being revoked and your creature will be put into adoption.
- NSFW sites may apply, but must be upfront about their adult nature. Additionally, NSFW sites must have a clear warning about their contents.
- Although Creatures Inside welcomes folks of all walks of life, some content is not allowed. This includes:
- Racism
- Misogyny
- Homophobia
- Transphobia
- Religious intolerance
- Political extremism
- Targeted harassment
- Condoning of real-life violence
Any issues?
If you're worried about not having been replied to yet, feel free to send another email or comment on this site's Neocities profile.